The Year 2009


Michelle Rhee - College of Education
Michelle Rhee


> March 26, 2009: Center for Education Policy and Leadership hosts spring 2009 colloquium on March 26 featuring Professor of Law Paul Lombardo of Georgia State University. Lombardo was the last person to interview Carrie Buck, the petitioner in Buck v. Bell - a 1927 United States Supreme Court case that upheld state laws mandating eugenic sterilization of the so-called "feebleminded and socially inadequate."

> Chancellor of D.C. Public Schools Michelle Rhee delivered the keynote address at the annual COE graduate research conference.

> Center for Young Children celebrates 60 years of quality child care and top research.

> College of Education ranked among top 25 by U.S. News & World Report.

> COE named its first cohort of Technology fellows for its new program, Expanding the Toolkit: Innovative with Technology. The program is a center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Instructional improvement Grant awarded to the College of Education this past spring for the 2009/2010 academic year.