The Year 1981


Louise Berman - 1981 Terrapin Yearbook/University Libraries
Louise Berman


> Louise Berman, Associate Dean in 1981

> The College re-organizes and restructures. The Department of Administration, Supervision, and Curriculum becomes the Department of Education Policy, Planning, and Administration after its merger with Social Foundations.

> The Department of Measurement and Statistics is renamed the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation.

> The University Senate approves a five-year bachelor program in Special Education.

> The Institute for Research in Higher and Adult Education is founded "as an administrative base for research, conferences, and special international projects relevant to institutions of postsecondary education."

> The Institute for Exceptional Individuals (later renamed the Institute for the Study of Exceptional Children and Youth) is established within the Department of Special Education. The Institute receives a federal grant to support the Special Education Leadership Policy Development Program to provide doctoral-level training to students who will assume policy leadership roles at federal and state levels.

> An interdisciplinary Institute for Higher and Adult Education is founded as a base for scholars interested in post-secondary education.

> Faculty member Nancy K. Schlossburg serves as delegate to a White House Conference on Aging.