The Year 1970


Robert Carbone - College of Education
Robert Carbone


> Dean Vernon Anderson retires after 15 years of service. A champagne dinner is held in spring of 1970 in his honor.

> Robert Carbone becomes Dean of the College.

> The Arithmetic Center is founded within the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. (This would later become the Center for Mathematics Education).

> The Fourth Floor (Attic) of the Benjamin Building is completed by the contractor. An addition to the Benjamin Building is planned for the years 1973-74.

> Daniel Prescott, founder of the Institute for Child Study, passes away on May 7 at the age of 72. A memorial service is held on campus on May 10 in Memorial Chapel.

> The interdisciplinary Institute for Urban Studies is proposed.

> The Department of Human Development/Institute for Child Study begins a program in evaluating Project Follow-Through, a post-Head Start program for children in their early school years.

> The National Science Foundation awards a grant to operate an eight-week summer institute in biology for high school teachers. The Institute is offered jointly by the departments of Secondary Education, Botany, Entomology, Zoology, and the Graduate School.

> The first graduates of the master's degree program in Counseling and Personnel Services in the University's Far East Division receive their degrees in Tokyo in spring ceremonies.

> In September, Howard F. Long becomes the first recipient of the Daniel Prescott Fellowship for graduate study in human development.