The Year 1966


Jean Hebeler (left) at the White House - Charles Beatty Papers
Jean Hebeler (left) at the White House


> The College dedicates its new home , the Harold R.W. Benjamin Building, with a ceremony in the J. Millard Tawes Fine Arts Center on October 7.

> The University Nursery-Kindergarten is moved into new quarters on the ground floor of the Benjamin Building. Construction includes a playground area behind the building.

> Rebecca Carroll becomes the first African-American woman to graduate from a doctoral program at the University of Maryland, receiving her degree in Human Development.

> Under the auspices of the Faculty Council, Dean Anderson establishes a Committee on the Organization of the College to study the organization and direction of the College over a period of two to three years. The Committee recommended the establishment of five new departments, including Administration, Supervision, and Curriculum; Counseling and Personnel Services; Special Education; Social Foundations; and Educational Research.

> The Curriculum Laboratory is established and the Educational Technology Center approved.

> The Reading Center opens, a facility "designed for the preparation of reading teachers."

> The Institute for Child Study establishes a graduate program in Human Development and Elementary Education for personnel in Military Dependent Schools in Germany on an experimental basis during the summer of 1966. (Courses were later discontinued due to lack of support by newly appointed Dependent Schools officials).

> Special Education Chair Jean Hebeler attends a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on the signing of a bill providing funds for educational research and personnel preparation in Mental Retardation.

> The College establishes several Teacher Education Centers in urban areas in Maryland and the District of Columbia in an effort to improve training teachers for work in urban environments.

> A federal grant establishes MEMIP (Maryland Elementary Mathematics Inservice Program) to "develop and demonstrate a team-taught inservice mathematical model for local elementary school teachers."

> The College is involved in Upward Bound, a program geared towards helping underprivileged children prepare for college.

> An Advanced Graduate Specialist program in Agricultural and Extension Education is started.