The Year 1955


Vernon Anderson - University Libraries
Vernon Anderson


> In June 1955, Dean Devilbliss leaves the College of Education to become the President of the State Teachers College in Salisbury, Md. Vernon Anderson becomes Dean of the College in September.

> The College works on a study to establish a Special Education program.

> The College adds a master's program in Music Education.

> The W.T. Grant Foundation awards $385,050 to the Institute for Child Study. Institute consultants work with 1200 teachers nationwide. About 5000 people are served in 1955. Between 1955 and 1956, the Institute's Child Study program involved 3,551 participants and 358 working groups in 13 Maryland counties, the District of Columbia, and in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Ohio.

> The College initiates a master's program for the Dependents School System of the armed forces as part of the European division of the University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. The program is suspended due to lack of financial support for teachers enrolled in the program.

> The Nursery School moves again from Building BB to Building AA in "The Gulch."